Enter your contact info to get the details and start earning cash residuals to enhance your profits.

Enhance Member Retention

All businesses and organizations seek to enhance customer or member retention. If your barter exchange member is only getting barter services from you, there is a greater chance of that member cancelling their membership or doing their trading through a different exchange, if the only service provided by your exchange is barter.

Add Business Services to Your Toolbox

If your exchange also provides their credit card merchant services account, cash equivalent advances of $50,000 or more for major purchases, a trade card processing platform, a rewards program that provides the business with barter dollars to spend just for accepting credit cards, SMS messaging, a loyalty program for their cash customers and perhaps a gift card program for their employees, then your exchange will own that member forever. Plus, these programs will reduce member attrition in your exchange while increasing overall value and income for you.

Register to Become an Affiliate

This is your opportunity to become a VirtualBarter affiliate so that you can offer enhanced business and financial services to your members. Explore this unique opportunity that has the power to strategically enhance your business, increase trade velocity and improve new member sales and revenues.